Friday, March 23, 2012


I log into a terminal services machine using domain\userid. When I try to connect to Proclarity it prompts me to log in again. I re-enter domain\userid and Proclarity connects to the AS cubes.

Is there an authentication problem with terminal services and the Proclarity client?

If you are using the professional, windows, client you should be able to only enter the server name, when promted at logon. If you use webaccess with a browser or connect with the windows client by using http, you can be promted for login information. Probably you have a webserver that uses basic authentication.

I use TS with ProClarity Professional(installed on the server) daily without any login requirements.


Thomas Ivarsson

|||It think it can also depend if you have proclarity and AS on two machines, I'm required to logon to both proclarity and the AS cubes when using the professional product, although this is the web prefessional product.|||

Everyone is on the right path here. ProClarity has three different "client" tools:

ProClarity Standard - Thin client requiring no client install accessed through the ProClarity Analytics Server (PAS) URL

ProClarity Web Professional - COM components required on client. User must access PAS to retrieve a Briefing Book. After a Briefing Book is retrieved from PAS this client operates exactly like ProClarity Desktop Professional.

ProClarity Desktop Professional - Standard "Setup.exe" install on client. Can open Desktop Professional and access a cube directly withouth having a PAS server involved.

If you are using ProClarity Standard, then you do not connect directly to an AS server. The connection to the AS server is made by the PAS server. When you execute an MDX statement, the PAS server sends the MDX to the server, renders the resulting view and then passes back DHTML to the client. In this case, as was correctly pointed out, if the PAS server and AS server are on different servers then you will have to use either Basic Authentication or implement Kerberos to allow the PAS server to delegate user credentials to the AS server.

If you are using either Web Professional or Desktop Professional, then you are connecting from the client directly to the AS server and there should be no need to do anything special.



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